Donate Online

Donate to SSVP Ltd. and change someone’s life for the better!

SSVP Ltd. is an Institution of a Public Character and donations of $50 and above are tax-deductible. In 2022, we helped about 1,000 beneficiaries across Singapore. With your donations, we can help even more! We need $600,000 to aid 400 babies and children. $125 is needed monthly to provide milk and diapers to one baby or $4,500 for three years. We need more funding to expand our team of Social Work Practitioners to aid more beneficiaries and develop new social and developmental programmes

Planned Giving

Community Services Office

We befriend and help some 1,000 low-income and vulnerable in Singapore.

Your gift will have a lasting impact to provide blessings to aid those in need. Legacy Giving can be made in various ways such as through

  1. Bequest in a Will,
  2. Central Provident Fund Nomination,
  3. Life Insurance.

Please contact us for more information about Planned Giving.

Click here to connect with us today!


Special Occasion Giving

Do you have a special occasion coming up and would like to extend the happy blessings of the day with our Friends in Need?

It could be your birthday, wedding, anniversary, baptism – you can request for your family and friends to gift you with a donation to SSVP so that you may share the special occasion in a meaningful way by helping to change someone’s life for the better.

Please contact us for more information about Special Occasion Giving.